Journey Onwards! Adrenalin pumping, comet smashing, 360˚ shooter

About the game


Planetary Command

for iPhone & iPad.

Planetary Command

PLANETARY COMMAND PRO FEATURES: 5 command ranks, 60 waves of comets across 6 planets, 27 medal achievements, 5 ranked weapons, 5 classified weapons, and OpenFeint/Game Center leaderboards & achievements support.

PLANETARY COMMAND (FREE) FEATURES: 2 command ranks, 10 waves of comets on 1 planet, 9 medal achievements and 2 ranked missile weapons!Planetary Command

"We must ensure our citizen ships can take-off safely from their planet before they can rendevous with our fleet. This means there can be no remaining incoming comets in the immediate vicinity of the planet."

You will be rewarded by citizen votes after each wave of comets. Remaining citizens may give you their vote only if they feel your command skills in accuracy as well as citizen survival are up to their standards.

Earn enough votes and you will be promoted allowing you access to our more advanced missile arsenals. You could also be rewarded by skill medals and special defence system enhancements for particular achievements.

Lieutentant, we welcome you to the officers of Planetary Command. Will you be our citizens’ last hope?

Below are some of the features you will discover in Planetary Command Pro.

Below are 6 planets we must rescue citizens from. Planets have varied citizen populations as well as types of incoming comets.
sheebo morali danick hirona krajee terra

As you can see by the weapons at your disposal, we have the means to recify this perilous situation upon you joining Planetary Command.

There are 4 grades of skill medals awarded to you by Planetary Command for; 100% Firing accuracy, 100% Comet destruction, and 100% Citizen survival.

There are 2 types of merit badges awarded to you by planet citizens for; Evacuating the planet, and 100% Citizen survival.
There are 3 types of achievements awarded to you by Planetary Command for; Evacuating all planets, 100% Citizen survival on all planets, and 100% Citizen Votes on all planets

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